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Asian Relationships

2nd December 2016

Usage. In the present day, the word miscegenation is avoided by many scholars, because the term suggests a concrete biological phenomenon, rather than a categorization imposed on certain relationships.

Article and statistics from the 2000 Census about the history and contemporary characteristics of interracial dating and marriage among Asian Americans.

As of last month, I am part of the AMWF community. AMWF stands for Asian Male, White Female, meaning couples composed of an Asian Man and a White Woman.

Improving students’ relationships with teachers has positive implications for students’ academic and social development.

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Asian guys ask me all the time: Vince: can I really date a white teen? I’m a data-driven sort of guy (gee, did you guess that I was Asian? how racist). Seriously though, according to the US census bureau, there were 219,000 marriages in 2010 in the US between Asian males and white females.

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Article about the image of Asian Americans as the ‘model ity’ and how its implications about Asian successes can be misleading and harmful to the Asian American community.

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The world’s leading refereed and indexed journals for second language research.

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A blog about love, family and relationships in China, including interracial and intercultural love. 洋媳妇谈中国

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Emphasizing our historic and continuing commitment to Asian and Pacific Islander communities, EBALDC works with and for all the diverse populations of the East Bay to build healthy, vibrant and safe neighborhoods through community development.

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Hitting signs of negativity when you mention your Chinese/Asian manfriend? Jocelyn explores why and what to do about it.

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