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Health Benefits Of Female Masturbation

19th October 2016

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Masturbation is a healthy sexual activity that has many benefits for your physical and mental health. There are limited studies on the benefits of masturbation, but studies on sexual intercourse and anecdotal reports suggest that sexual stimulation, including stimulation through masturbation, may help you:

Despite a cultural failure to take self-love seriously, it turns out that regularly getting it on solo has some serious health benefits.

Click a button to go to a popular page on this site: Female masturbation. This page is for questions from females about masturbation and other issues related to sexuality.

No shame in solo sex: A-listers like Gina Rodriguez, Shailene Woodley, and Maggie Gyllenhaal aren’t afraid to talk about masturbation.

‘Masturbation is good for your health’: Experts say it can prevent conditions such as cystitis, diabetes and cancer. Australian academics say there are numerous benefits of …

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Compulsive masturbation and other compulsive behaviors can be signs of an emotional problem, which may need to be addressed by a mental health specialist. As with any “nervous habit”, it is more helpful to consider the causes of compulsive behavior, rather than try to repress masturbation.

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Since May is officially National Masturbation Month, I thought it would be important to list some of the benefits of masturbation in this …

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Masturbation often is the first sex act many people engage in, and this self-stimulation can have many health benefits and even make you a better lover.

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It’s normal to masturbate (touch yourself for sexual pleasure) whether you’re sexually active or not. Masturbation has health benefits like reducing stress

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Female masturbation has a stigma, even though it has real health benefits and is gaining visibility on shows like Broad City and Insecure. Here’s why

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