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New Contest Encourages Teens

2nd May 2016

The Jewish Week is your source for Jewish news, features, analysis and opinion – covering the New York, US, Israel, and worldwide Jewish community.

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Free contests and giveaways for families, s, and parents in Toronto.

May 03, 2018 · The anonymous posters used racial epithets, argued that the students’ project didn’t deserve to be a finalist and said the black community was voting for the teens only because of their race.

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Now celebrating its 12th Anniversary! The Diverse Minds Writing Challenge is an education and awareness initiative created by B’nai B’rith International as one of its programs to promote tolerance and communicate a message of equality among all citizens, regardless of race, religion, national origin, gender or sexual orientation.Our …

W orld H andwriting C ontest formerly AAHC: A nnual A merican H andwriting C ompetition and WHAC: W orld H andwriting A chievement C ontest. All entries (handwritten in your handwriting) must go to the headquarters of the World Handwriting Contest (address below), EXCEPT FOR ENTRIES FROM ANY COUNTRY WHICH IS LISTED AS HAVING ITS OWN NATIONAL AFFILIATE OF THE WORLD HANDWRITING CONTEST.

The Texarkana Gazette is the premier source for local news and sports in Texarkana and the surrounding Arklatex areas.

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2018 Teen Video Challenge. 2018 Teen Video Challenge (TVC) Create a video promoting Summer Reading at the public library, including your interpretation of the 2018 Collaborative Summer Library Program teen slogan “Libraries Rock” and you could win a $50 award for your library and a $100 prize for the winning teen or teens. One winning video created by a teen or group of teens …

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Wattpad is a community for readers and writers to publish new user-generated stories in different genres, including classics, general fiction, historical fiction, non-fiction, poetry, spiritual, humor, and teen fiction. It aims to create social communities around stories for both amateur and established writers. The platform claims to have an audience of …

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Read.gov encourages everyone to discover the world of books. Here you’ll find a variety of free teen reading resources to explore and enjoy.

Teen sessions include overnight college visits, career explorations at local companies and seminars on healthy living and sexual health. Monica Billy, a Big mans Big teens staffer, said teenagers are often surprised by the new offerings.

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