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Orgasm Calculator

11th August 2017

Q: My question regards ejaculation upon having an orgasm. I am a 46-year-old woman who in the last two years seems to expel a good amount of “fluid” when approaching and/or reaching orgasm.

Years ago I remember hearing a story about a teen I grew up with fucking herself with a cucumber. That tale always stuck with me until I stuck one in me. This was back in my pre-intercourse days so it wasn’t as romantic an experience as I imagined it would

Sex Calculator helps you to find out how many times you had sexual intercourse in your life. Also read top ten stimulating sex facts. This calculator works best if you are in a regular relationship. If you have had breaks in your relationships, it may not reflect the average accurately

Shettles Method: How Do I Select Gender by Timing Sex to Ovulation

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Click on Submit and then scroll down for fun statistics and your astrological data.

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Q: I am 41 and had a hysterectomy one year ago. I would like to know if that is why I can’t have an orgasm when I have sex with my manfriend. Aside from the lack of orgasm, the sex is quite good.

For some women, an orgasm is as easily attainable as breathing. For others, the “Big O” is only an occasional event, and the stars have to align for it to happen.

Learn About Ovulation Stages – the Follicular Phase, Ovulatory Phase, and Luteal Phase

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My first partner did. As did I. I thought that was normal. Yet, with other people, I often don’t (but that’s ok) and sometimes they don’t. One of th

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Beats Per Minute Calculator and Counter: Tap key, touchscreen or mouse to the beat to find your BPM tempo in seconds.

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