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Software Russian

13th September 2016

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ABBYY Lingvo Dictionary Software for PC and Mobile devices combines reliable content, powerful word look-up and intuitive software in a single product.

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Dec 02, 2017 · The government issues a new warning about the security risks of using Russian anti-virus software.

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The popular anti-theft software, which is built into many popular computers at the BIOS level, is being impersonated by Fancy Bear.

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The most accurate and up-to-date information about the Russian software industry

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ABBYY Lingvo and ABBYY Lingvo Mobile are state-of-the-art dictionary applications for PC and mobile devices. With 19 years of experience in the development of intelligent applications, ABBYY delivers an ideal combination of language and software.

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Dec 02, 2017 · Read Cybersecurity boss gives fresh warning over Russian anti-virus software latest on ITV News. All the Technology news

Trident Software company was established in 1998.During this time a few product lines have been developed – Language Master, L-Master 98 and Pragma. We pay special attention to the linguistic part, in all products we use our own solution – a multilingual translation technology.

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Experts we spoke to had surprisingly similar opinions about the allegations that Kaspersky Lab may have spied for the Russian government.

The fingerprint-analysis software used by the FBI and more than 18,000 other US law enforcement agencies contains code created by a Russian firm with close ties to the Kremlin, according to documents and two whistleblowers. The allegations raise concerns that Russian hackers could gain backdoor

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