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They All Suck

31st August 2017

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Bathroom hand-dryers suck in poo-particles and aerosolize them all over you and everything else

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Braces damage faces? Why all traditional orthodontic treatments suck. posted on August 15, 2014

The Pentagon says one takeaway from last weekend’s missile strike in Syria is that Russian-made air defenses operated by Syrian crews were completely useless. And Turkey, which plans to buy the system from Russia, should take note.

Not everyone is a brain-dead sports fan. Welcome to the home of the International I Hate Sports Club

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Whatever new-fangled video games and hover boards are hitting toy store shelves this Christmas, there are some classics that just never go away. We’re talking about toys that go back decades and even centuries. Why? We’re not sure, because most of them suck. A floppy spring-shaped thing that’s

Sliders deliver little to no value to the customer “Sliders please the owner of the site, but they deliver little to no value to the customers.

QR codes are a technology that desperately wants our attention. They appear everywhere from supermarket shelves and magazines to hiking trails and tombstones. Never heard of a QR code? You’re looking at one right now. Scan the image at the top of this article, and it’ll open a link to the mobile

Why SUVs Suck and Why Do So Many People Buy SUVs. Pro or Con SUV arguments could only occur in rich nations, like the good old “middle class” USA.In other parts of the world, arguments for or against SUVs would never occur because most of the earths population is too poor to afford a car let alone an SUV.

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suck – Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum.

When I was 7 months pregnant, my mother told me her biggest regret in life: that she had been a working mom. “If I had to do it all over again, I would have stayed home with you and your teen from the get-go,” she said.

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